Hey everyone!
We know that many of you like to buy songs from events, as it’s a cheaper and more direct way to get the songs that you want.
We’ve found that many players often miss an event round and that song might not be available again for a long time. We’ve experimented with longer and shorter event timings but we’ve not been able to find a balance which suits everyone.
So to improve the experience for the majority of players who buy songs this way, we are making a change to how playlist songs are unlocked.
All songs that are playable in an event are now available from the new Playlist Box. The box will reward one random playlist song from the current event that you haven't already unlocked.
If you miss an event round, this will allow you another chance to unlock a song and add it to your collection at the same discounted cost of 99 Gems.
Or if you unlock a song from a future event round, you'll now have extra time to play and master it before competing on the leaderboard!
We plan to design future events with at least one song that most players have in their collection to keep a fair balance and ensure the box is good value.
We expect this change may take some time to get used to but we hope it'll offer a better experience for the majority of players who do purchase event songs. This change will go live with the next event on Friday 3rd February.
Beatstar Team