- Record Boxes are guaranteed to give a song. Each song within the box has an equal chance of dropping.
- Wishlist Boxes guarantee you a song that you don't own yet AND have liked. Each song has an equal chance of dropping.
- Playlist Boxes gives one random playlist song from the current event you haven't already unlocked.
- Banner, Emote, Track Skin, and Avatar Boxes are guaranteed to give merch of the same type. Each merch within the box has an equal chance of dropping.
Each Song Case has the following drop rates:
70% - no choice - 3 to 5 cards
30% - choice - 3 to 5 cards
100% - choice - 6 to 8 cards
Generic Merch Boxes are guaranteed to drop one of the Banner, Emote, Track Skin or Avatar. Generic Merch Box drop rate changes depending on what type of merch gets added, but the box has the following drop rates roughly:
65% Banner
27% Emote
3% Track Skin
5% Avatar
There are 4 different types of Individual Merch Boxes:
Track Skin Merch Box
Avatar Merch Box
Emote Merch Box
Banner Merch Box
The Individual Merch Boxes are guaranteed to drop a reward of the specific merch corresponding to the box. Each item within the merch box has an equal chance of dropping.