We do our best to ensure our community has a friendly and fair environment to flourish. Foul play is against our terms of service; it will not be tolerated and will be caught or prevented by our systems, tools, and team.
Sanctions are applied when necessary, from leaderboard removal to permanent bans depending on the severity.
If you suspect a player of foul play, please do report it to us for investigation.
What not to do:
• Unofficial or Modded Versions of Beatstar
The only supported version of the game is the official one downloaded from the Play Store or App Store. Using any versions obtained elsewhere may result in sanctions.
Modded versions of the game are also not supported and may result in sanctions.
• Third-Party Apps/Bots
Installing third-party software that modifies the app's internal code is strictly against our Terms & Conditions and prohibited.
Bots or 3rd party software used to simulate gameplay, with or without the presence of the player, are deemed inappropriate usage and unfair to the community. As such, accounts using this will be sanctioned.
• Exploiting a Bug/Loophole
Exploiting a bug in the official version of the game that not all players might be aware of and other attempts to use loopholes to take advantage of the game is against our TOS. By using an exploit in the game, you are attempting to gain an unfair advantage. Players should report these issues to player support when identified. Failure to do so and continued use of the exploit may result in sanctions.
• Account Selling
" Your account is personal to you and you shall not purchase, sell, gift, or trade any Account, or make any such offer, and any attempt shall be null and void. Space Ape does not recognize and expressly forbids the transfer of Accounts. Any distribution by you of your Account and/or your Login information (except as expressly provided herein or otherwise explicitly approved by Space Ape) may result in suspension or termination of your account."
• Account Sharing and Boosting
Sharing your account with another player is not allowed, therefore getting your rank boosted for you by someone else or vice-versa is against our terms of service and will be sanctioned.
What could happen to your account?
Any player suspected of foul play is likely to have their account suspended for a short period while we run an investigation. The account will not be released until we have concluded the investigation. For this reason, we cannot guarantee the account will be available in time for events, sales, or other time-sensitive opportunities. If no proof of foul play is found, the account will be released.
If there is proof of foul play backed by our logs and/or data, the account will be suspended immediately.
As per our policy, we will show no leniency to any players whose accounts were jeopardized or banned as a result of sharing your login information.
It’s each player's responsibility to ensure the safety of their account. If you think your account might have been jeopardized, please contact our support team to secure it.